Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 13
Chapter 13 of Ezekiel has God lashing out at a group of people that affect the work Ezekiel does: the false prophets.
The false prophets of Israel all tarnished the work of the true prophets. They made claims that were untrue. They told lies to placate the masses. They diminished the glory of God. All of these things can make it incredibly difficult for followers to accept the truth.
In this chapter, God speaks of how the false prophets create a “whitewash” over the nation. These prophets would tell the people that they were doing just fine.”Your sins are OK. Don’t worry about anything, you’re doing just fine.”But this just creates a false sense of security. This thin veil of plaster protecting the nation will truly crumble, as God proclaims.
False prophets were not only a problem in Ezekiel’s time, but they are prevalent in our modern culture as well. They may promise wealth and success to their followers with little to no commitment to God. This, in turn, makes it difficult for people to hear and accept the truth about God.
Key Verse:
“… Because what you say is false and your visions are a lie, I will stand against you, says the Sovereign Lord.” ~ Ezekiel 13:8
Questions to ponder:
- Why are false prophets so popular?
- How can one distinguish a false prophet and a true prophet?