Immigrant Connection is a ministry of Fairfax Church on a mission to provide low-cost legal services for immigrants and refugees in our community.
We’re members of Immigrant Connection’s National Legal Network, which is made up of 34+ church-based legal service clinics across the U.S. Our staff are accredited by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to provide legal representation to immigrants before the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS).
What We Do
We provide legal assistance to individuals seeking help with issues related to immigration, such as:
Family & Marriage Based Petitions
Naturalization Petitions
Lawful Permanent Resident & Employment Authorization Renewals
U.S. Citizenship
Adjustment of Status
Consular Processing
Non-Immigrant Visas
Religious Worker Visas
Next Steps
Complete our Consultation Request Form
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Consultation Request Form

If you need advice, assistance, or help understanding what options you may have under the law, you can schedule an initial consultation with one of our Legal Representatives.
We will carefully review your case and make sure you understand the benefits and risks associated with your situation, then offer you advice on how to proceed.