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My favorite restaurant has been open for business during the pandemic but things look a bit different right now. The doors of Lebanese Kitchen have been open for great pizza and of course, everything Mediterranean. I especially love their chicken shawarma salad with garlic dressing. I appreciate that during this season, they have served us well and I love to see the smiling eyes of the waitstaff when they carry our food to the car, greeting us by name because we are known to them.

Fairfax Church has always been open too…only things look a bit different as we enter this fall season.
But our mission remains the same: to love our neighbor and see people raised to life in Christ and we continue to see God use Fairfax to accomplish his agenda in this community.

Neighborhood Groups are thriving online.
Care Groups will get a fresh start this week.
Opportunities to serve are enabling our local partners to continue to help their communities with tangible needs.

Here’s what’s going on in the next few weeks:

Serving – On Saturday, September 26, Willing Warriors is hosting a bike ride event to support to cost-free retreat stay that positively affects the recovery of wounded service members and their families. Fairfax is asking its folks to help set up and staff event stations to cheer the bikers on. You can sign up by going to and click JOIN using our church code of FAIRFAX. Contact Brooke for questions at

Growth and Care – On Oct. 1, we will host an online course about racial injustice and the extent to which race has shaped and continues to shape all American institutions including the church. Dr. Michael Waters will lead the 4-week class. For more information:

In addition, we have an array of online classes that are starting now and include: Foundations (The Beginnings of Faith), Financial Peace, Looking Toward Marriage, The Study of Judges,  and Anxious for Nothing Dealing with anxiety)

And our online support groups: Grief and Recovery, Mental Health Support, Drug and Alcohol Addiction Support group, Military and First Responders Support Group, Divorce Support will be starting the week of Sep 20.

This may be a perfect opportunity to extend an invitation to someone you know to an online class or care group that may benefit their spiritual growth. Check them out at

Remember, we are always open!

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