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Mine isn’t so great today.

I didn’t sleep well so I’m tired today. And all the lovely people I get to live with are just too close this morning and they are tired also.

After being pretty cranky this morning, I quickly realized that I just can’t function only on emotions today. I know myself and my emotions can deceive me. So today I need to seek the truth from God alone.

So what do I know is true today?

I know that God is always with me, always watching,
I know that God is good to me. I know that God will always listen to me if I call him.
I know that God wants the best for me.
I know that God will give me peace and strength when I am bone-tired.
I know that God may allow me to pass through raging waters but they will not sweep over me.

“Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. 
Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. 
Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about. 
Keep putting into practice all you learned from me and saw me doing…”

Phil 4:8-9

Tack this word up somewhere this week.
On your screensaver.
Bathroom mirror.
Kitchen sink.
Somewhere …

… And may the peace of God dwell in your hearts and minds this day and always. Amen.

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