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My favorite season is here!

Fall brings on the cold, sinus infections, and the grappling of winter coats, which I’m not fond of.

But I’m able to set aside those things for what I love. Watching the crowning glory of creation before the arrival of the winter season. Having a scarf wrapped about my shoulders and hot tea in a hefty mug.  Sensing a renewed gratefulness as we remember with humility that we are a thankful people.

In spite of the hardships that COVID may bring, for most of us reading this, we are safe, warm, fed, and have some sense of community around us. (If you find yourself in a place that is otherwise, please give me a call at 703-981-8664.)

But some of our neighbors may not be experiencing the same sense of basic wellbeing.

We have identified 200 families in Fairfax County that are food insecure. Be assured there are many more but these are the ones we are committed to for supplying a Thanksgiving meal.

There are a number of food items needed that will be brought to the building starting November 11th. There is also a need to come to the church and pack all the items and distribute them before the holiday. This might be a good social distancing project for you or your group. Go to The password is FAIRFAX.

So, friends, your help is needed, once again. The delivery of a chicken and a bag of staples may seem mundane but to those in need, the basics are an answered prayer.

Ever grateful for your generous hearts!

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