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I miss you! I miss worshipping with you in person! I miss hearing you sing! I miss seeing you face to face! I miss the sound of laughter in our lobby and the buzz of conversations throughout the church! Nothing is a substitute for incarnational presence.

But my soul is still filled with joy! I love seeing how many of you are still prioritizing worship by gathering online every weekend. I love how intentional you are being about inviting others to join our growing community. I love how our small groups are using technology to continue to study together and pray together and care for each other. I love how our students are staying connected on a daily basis. I love how parents are utilizing our online resources to disciple their kids. I love how you are responding to the most vulnerable in our community who are dealing with food insecurity. I love the outpouring of generosity you are showing in this challenging time. Over the past three weeks, we’ve had 25 new families begin giving to Fairfax! Incredible!

We are settling into a new rhythm for doing life together. I’m sure you are aware of the new directives given yesterday by Governor Northam of Virginia. They are basically the same guidelines our church has been following for the past three weeks. Our staff continues to work from home. The building remains closed. All regular gatherings are being held online. And any production emanating from the building is being done in compliance with the Governor’s order concerning size and required social distancing. The biggest implication for our church is the extension of these guidelines through June 10. It means that we will remain online-only until the order is lifted. I know this is disappointing for many of us. But, the question that has guided us from the very beginning of this pandemic has been, “What does love compel us to do? What does loving our neighbor look like in this cultural moment?” We continue to be guided by that question.

Continue to regularly check our Fairfax At Home page. It is the most up-to-date source of information for everything we are doing during this season for adults, students and kids. You can also go to that page to share your prayer requests with us. We want to pray for you!

Your response to our Curbside Care Package initiative has been overwhelming! We think this is a sustainable way to respond to an increasing number of people who are homebound and need basic supplies. If you have a need or can provide help, you can find out more here.

Remember, we are praying together as a church at 11:02am every day. We are praying for God’s protection, provision, presence and peace during this unprecedented time. In addition, I’m also live-streaming at 11:02 for those who would like to join me for this time of prayer. All you have to do is follow us on Instagram at @fairfaxcc

I love you Fairfax! And I’m praying for you!!
