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Global Impact Trips

On Global Impact Trips, we expose our teams to God at work around the world. We serve by meeting specific needs for our global partners and empowering their communities through training, resources, and encouragement.

APR 2024 Zimbabwe

JUNE 2024 Honduras

JULY 2024 Havana, Cuba

COMING FALL 2025 Israel

Zimbabwe – Children of Promise

APRIL 14-23, 2024 – $3,700 per person

Fairfax College Trip:

JUNE 6-11, 2024 – $1,800 per person

Havana, Cuba – GoGlobal Ministries

JULY 6-13, 2024 – $2,500 per person

*Includes plane ticket, lodging, food, transportation, religious visa and medical insurance in Cuba.

Biblical Journey to Israel

FALL 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information about any of these trips, or to apply, please contact Valerie Nolan at

What is the age requirement to be considered for a global impact trip?

Depending on the trip, we allow children ages 10 and up to be considered. All minors must go through the application process and be accompanied by a parent if selected.

How are people selected for trips?

Each trip requires a different set of criteria for applicants. We place people on trips according to the needs and priorities of the partners we are serving on the ground. Specific skills and experience play highly into the process of choosing team members.

Please keep in mind that we receive more applications than we have availability. People who attend Fairfax Church and are already connected with our local outreach teams are given first priority. It is our hope that people who are interested, but unable to attend would connect with the team in other ways, such as giving financially or coming alongside the team as a prayer partner.

What happens if I am not chosen?

We will be in touch with each person that applies to let them know if they are selected. If you are not selected due to any reason, we hope to have a conversation with you and help you connect in other ways and wait list for future trips. There are several opportunities to serve with one of our local outreach teams right here in the community and we encourage you to get involved with local outreach while waiting for the right opportunity to take a trip overseas.

By applying, am I committing to go on the trip?

No, you are not committing by submitting your application. After the teams are selected, a team leader will contact you and confirm your commitment.

What am I committing to?

Once committed, you will be attending a few team meetings to help you prepare for the trip and get to know each other. Those meeting dates and times are decided based upon availability of the majority of the team and the team leader.  Once plane tickets are purchased, you are responsible to pay for your plane ticket if for any reason you are unable to go on the trip.

How do I fundraise to go on the trip?

You and the rest of your team will fundraise for support from others. We have found that many people don’t have the time or ability to go on a short-term mission trip but have the desire to be involved in some way. We ask, therefore, that every person going on a trip raise his/her funds by writing letters to friends and family sharing the goal of the trip and the financial requirements to make the trip happen. We have templates and sample letters to help you. We have seen over and over again God provide the funding for dozens of global impact trip participants. It is an exciting step of faith and growth in our walk with Christ.

Please note: Money raised over the amount needed for the trip will go into the general trip fund and be used for future global impact trips. Money that is not raised prior to departing for the trip will be due in full by each individual before they can participate in the trip.  

How can someone donate to my trip?

Once confirmed on the trip, you will receive a specific link unique to your trip to send to people to donate directly online to support your trip. All contributions through this process will be tax deductible for the contributor.

What if I don’t have a passport?

Apply now for a passport if you don’t have one!

After you receive your new passport number, update your application with that information. You will also need to make a copy of your passport application and/or passport and give it to your team leader at the first team meeting. As per new rules for international airline travel, we are required to obtain and send the expiration date of your passport for booking travel, so we will need that information as soon as possible. If your passport expires less than six months after your departure date, you will need to renew your passport as soon as possible. Additionally, if you have a non-U.S. passport, you are responsible for finding out if a visa is required for you to travel to a specific country.

Do I need to obtain a visa?

Depending on the country you are traveling to, you may need to obtain a visa. If you are required, your team leader and the Fairfax staff will help you with that process.

Can I travel separately from the team for personal reasons?

It is strongly preferred that all members of the team travel together. For the trips to Africa, there will be an optional safari “add-on” at the end of the trip for those that would like to stay on to enjoy a local safari adventure. However, other than that we ask team members to make every effort to travel with their teams and utilize the flights/airlines we are able to purchase at the best rates for the group. If you have a unique situation you may discuss your options with your team leader.