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Lamentations: Day 3

While Chapters 1 and 2 lament the state of Jerusalem and Judah, Chapter 3 gets personal. Jeremiah pours out his emotions before God, describing his afflictions and grieving about his condition. Nothing is working, it seems. In fact, this chapter reminds us of Job and his laments.

But in the midst of utter disaster and personal pain – the desolation of the land, the slaying of its people and the exile of many – we see a beautiful message of hope (21-26). God loves His people deeply. And He is faithful.

What is hope? It is “to cherish a desire with anticipation. Therefore, hope invariably means waiting. Waiting patiently and quietly. God so often works slowly in our lives and in this world. Which is why hope points toward perseverance, the act of “faithfully making it through the day” as we wait for God.

“[God’s] compassions are new every morning”. This encourages us to persevere as we go through the dark valleys that we all experience at different levels. In the end, God promises that His compassion will never fail. For those of us in the midst of pain, or in a broken relationship, or struggling daily with temptation, or yearning for justice, we will yet see God’s faithfulness and compassion. He will one day make everything right.

Key Verses:
“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.’” ~ Lamentations 3:22-24

Questions to ponder:

  • In what ways are God’s compassions manifested in your life?
  • Do you need to persevere in some aspect of your life? What can help you do so?