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Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation. 

(Psalm 100:4-5)

As the table is set, a tiny woven basket is placed at the head and inside are corn kernels.

Those same 20 kernels have resided in the basket since my own kids were young.

Once the turkey and too many sides are placed on the table, the basket is passed from person to person, each removing one kernel. We don’t think too much about the food getting cold because this sacred moment for our family alone, is about to begin.

The basket comes around again and each takes time to express what they are grateful for. If the year has been particularly rough, those painful things shared can be a step towards healing. If joyous, we celebrate once again.

I am always humbled by the way that even the littlest of our bunch has learned that this is of hushed, “be still” importance at our table.

The pause is refreshing in the midst of a busy household in chaos. This is my favorite moment of the year.

May you, too, have a pause, however that may look at your table this year, whether spoken or in silence, to reflect on the way in which you are grateful for the goodness of God this year no matter the circumstances.