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I’m always amazed at how the seasons change so quickly from summer to fall. The temperature may fluctuate greatly from day to day but the cool evenings are telltale that things are changing. The trees at my home aren’t showing signs of changing yet but nature is prepping for change and I’m waiting in great anticipation.

As the season changes, it also brings much prepping for us as we ready ourselves for our groups to gather once again. It’s a time for recasting not only the vision of community but of disciple-making to our groups as we love our neighbors and see them raised to life in Christ!

A few reminders:

The study guide on Love Your Neighbor and our Core Values of Pray, Invite, Mentor and Serve will be available with your Friday emails. This week’s guide is “Love Your Neighbor.” (Note that the Core Value of Give – We will be discussed in December in the sermon series, “Abundance”) You can choose to send the guide to your group or not. It’s up to you.

The reason we are doing these studies instead of the sermon for these five weeks is to recast the vision of the mission and values we hold dearly at Fairfax. If you don’t get to discuss all of them in the coming weeks, hold on to it for another time when you have a free week or two.

We have NEW mini podcasts that will start this Friday. These are 10-minute interviews with leaders on best practices for your groups. The link for this week’s podcast is below – First Night Jitters with our very own (and funny) Suzy Ivy.

Your BEST resource is your coach! Please reach out to them for anything that is needed.

Our team is praying for you by name this week. It’s an exciting time to release all that has been prayed for as we embark on the new things God has for us. Do not grow weary in whatever comes your way but REJOICE as you serve him within your group!