Friday Mar 29 at 7:00pm
4:00pm & 5:45pm
8:30am, 10:00am & 11:45am

In 1 Corinthians, Paul gives us one of the clearest definitions of good news in all of the New Testament. He says, “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, he was buried, (and) he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,” (1 Corinthians 15:3-8 NIV).
Jesus has risen! That’s what makes the good news of Easter so good. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey and no matter what you are going through, in Christ, life awaits!
During our Good Friday tenebrae service, we journey through Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross, gradually extinguishing lights until we reach total darkness. But the story of Good Friday doesn’t end in death – it ends in hope. Jesus gave up His life so we could gain life.
Join us as we gather together on March 29 at 7:00pm.
We’re baptizing at every one of our Easter services. Have you decided to celebrate Jesus? Sign up to be baptized on Easter Saturday or Sunday!
What are services like? Should I dress up?
We’ll be celebrating Easter Sunday with worship, a sermon, and baptisms. Services are an hour long.
Our services are meant for everyone, and you can come as you are. There’s enough room to invite your family and friends!
When should I arrive?
We recommend arriving at least 15 minutes before each service to allow for time to park, check in your kids, grab a drink or pastry at Fairfax Coffee, and find your seat!
In addition to our main sanctuary, we’ll have plenty of seats available for anyone who prefers an alternative sensory experience.
Will there be plenty of parking?
We recommend arriving early if you want to secure a close parking space! Our amazing parking team will be outside to help you find a spot. Our parking shuttles will be continuously making trips to and from Trinity Christian School, located just across Braddock Road.
Looking for an easy way to love your neighbor during Easter? Parking at Trinity and riding the shuttle over makes room for others to experience the good news of Easter!
Will services be streaming online?
Yes! We will stream every Easter service live on our website and on Youtube. Our website stream is hosted by members of our Hospitality team and includes a chat area for our online congregation to engage together.

Our Fairfax Kids team has some awesome programming planned for kids of all ages! Kids will celebrate with worship, fun activities, and an Easter message.
Families, classrooms open 10 minutes before services begin. Check in at our Family Lobby!
All 7-12 graders are invited to join us Easter Sunday for a Pancake Breakfast at 10:00am in the Hub, followed by a special Students Easter Service at 11:45am in The Hangar. Friends are welcome!