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Day 5: Patience

Scripture: “I waited patiently for the Lord. He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit and out of the mud and more and he put my feet on a rock.”
Psalm 40:1-2

God, calm my restless heart as I wait on you. You are sovereign over all creation, and I know you are working all things for my good. Your timing is perfect, and I will trust in your provision. Help me to see your hand upon my life. Strengthen my character and fill me with your spirit – throughout each day and through each night. Amen.

How will Jesus show up in my day today?
Do I have the eyes and ears to see and hear the wonders of his love and mercy?
How will I experience his grace? Will I see something miraculous? Something hope-filled that will transform me?

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