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Global Cities

Kampala, Uganda Global Cities
February 10, 2024

Kampala, Uganda

In 1988, in a time of civil war, Gary Skinner and his wife Marilyn planted Watoto Church in Kampala, Uganda to speak hope and life to the nation. The church became the center of a beautiful community of Christ caring…
Madrid, Spain Global Cities
February 10, 2024

Madrid, Spain

Alejandro and Carmen de Francisco are church planters leading the Church of God back into Spain. Together with the Three Worlds team, they have a vision to plant a network of healthy, self-sustaining, self-replicating congregations across Spain over the next…
Near East Global Cities
February 10, 2024

Near East

Fairfax is helping to support two new church plants among the Muslim community in the Near East. Muslims are coming to faith in record numbers despite many being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. These churches in the Near…
Budapest, Hungary Global Cities
February 10, 2024

Budapest, Hungary

Peti Kiss is the Senior Pastor of Budakalasz Evangelical Fellowship in Budakalasz, located in the northern gate of Buda. This wealthy growing area attracts thousands of people who move from the city centre to the northern suburbs each year. The…
Leipzig, Germany Global Cities
February 10, 2024

Leipzig, Germany

Leipzig is a center of culture and commerce in what was formerly East Germany. André and Larissa Meyer and their young son moved to Leipzig in 2018 and officially launched a new church plant, Leipzig Project. They were a part…
Paris, France Global Cities
February 10, 2024

Paris, France

Samir Salibi planted a missional church focused on responding to the refugee crisis in Paris called AtHome Ministries. Samir was born in Beirut, Lebanon and currently lives in Paris with his wife Joanna and their three children. Samir’s Lebanese heritage…
Santo Domingo, DR Global Cities
February 10, 2024

Santo Domingo, DR

Juan Santos is the senior pastor of Iglesia Accion Misionera, Los Palamares in the Dominican Republic.  This was the first church we helped to plant over 20 years ago and this church has now helped to plant 17 churches throughout…
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