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DAY 18: Redemptive Work of Jesus According to Paul

Paul’s theological reflections offer profound insights into the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, illuminating the transformative power of his death and resurrection for believers and the entire cosmos.

Paul emphasizes Jesus’ death as a sacrificial atonement for the sins of humanity. Believers are united with Christ through baptism, experiencing a mystical death to sin and receiving newness of life. Through Christ’s sacrifice, believers escape both the consequences and the power of sin, experiencing liberation and restoration.

Christ’s death not only brings atonement for individual sins but also defeats the power of sin itself. Believers are set free from the bondage of sin, experiencing transformation and new life. This victory over sin extends to the entire created order, liberating the cosmos from decay and restoring it to its intended glory.

Paul envisions Christ’s return as the culmination of God’s redemptive plan, where Jesus will defeat all remaining forces of sin and liberate creation from its bondage. Through Christ’s victory, the entire cosmos will be restored, and God’s reign will be fully realized.

Key Verse:
“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” ~ Romans 6:4

Questions to Ponder:

  • Reflect on the significance of Jesus’ sacrificial atonement for your own life. How does his death and resurrection bring freedom and newness of life?
  • Explore the tension between the present reality of redemption and the future hope of Christ’s return. How does this tension shape your perspective on the Christian life and mission?
  • Meditate on the grand vision of redemption presented by Paul. How does this vision inspire you to live in light of God’s redemptive purposes for humanity and creation?
Adapted from Britannica: The Biography of St. Paul the Apostle
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