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Human Experience Devotional

The Books of Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, and Lamentations


Ecclesiastes – Day One
Ecclesiastes – Day One

Ecclesiastes – Day One

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 1 The Book of Ecclesiastes is believed by most people to have been written by King Solomon near the end of his life. It is a reflection of what he has seen and learned as he looks back…
Ecclesiastes – Day Two
Ecclesiastes – Day Two

Ecclesiastes – Day Two

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 2 This chapter really strikes those of us who have a tendency to get all worked up about our jobs, our position, our desire to obtain the next ‘thing’ for ourselves or our family. The author looks back…
Ecclesiastes – Day Three
Ecclesiastes – Day Three

Ecclesiastes – Day Three

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 3 The opening words of this chapter were made famous when Pete Seeger used them to write the song “Turn, Turn, Turn” which became an international hit when it was recorded by the Byrds in 1965. What made…
Ecclesiastes – Day Four
Ecclesiastes – Day Four

Ecclesiastes – Day Four

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 4 The oppression of the powerless by the powerful goes on throughout the world and is as old as the world. Solomon concludes that the oppressed would be better off if they had not been born. He states…
Ecclesiastes – Day Five
Ecclesiastes – Day Five

Ecclesiastes – Day Five

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 5 In today’s reading Solomon warns us not to use a barrage of words when we come to him in prayer. Let your words be few and stand in awe of God. So often I fill the time…
Ecclesiastes – Day Six
Ecclesiastes – Day Six

Ecclesiastes – Day Six

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 6 The teacher continues to expound on the meaninglessness of a life without God. He makes the point that too often we spend so much of our time working and running around in our lives that we do…
Ecclesiastes – Day Seven
Ecclesiastes – Day Seven

Ecclesiastes – Day Seven

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 7 This chapter reads very much like one of the chapters from proverbs composed of many short truths. The teacher expounds on two main themes in this chapter. The first is the value of hard times. Certainly we…
Ecclesiastes – Day Eight
Ecclesiastes – Day Eight

Ecclesiastes – Day Eight

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 8 What is it with this world of ours? So often we see people never get caught for their crimes, prosper despite obvious immoral deeds, or never held accountable for the evil they have wrought. As in other…
Ecclesiastes – Day Nine
Ecclesiastes – Day Nine

Ecclesiastes – Day Nine

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 9 If you superficially read through this chapter, and indeed most of Ecclesiastes, you may come away with the idea that what you do, how you act or who you try to be in this life doesn’t matter.…
Ecclesiastes – Day Ten
Ecclesiastes – Day Ten

Ecclesiastes – Day Ten

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 10 “You fool!” This admonishment is not uncommon in our day and usually is applied to someone who does not do what obviously needs to be done. This chapter is full of warnings against being or following a…
Ecclesiastes – Day Eleven
Ecclesiastes – Day Eleven

Ecclesiastes – Day Eleven

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 11 The teacher has spent ten chapters telling us why life without direction from God has no meaning. Now he turns to giving advice as to how to spend this life. He gives four pieces of advice that…
Ecclesiastes – Day Twelve
Ecclesiastes – Day Twelve

Ecclesiastes – Day Twelve

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 12 To those of us who are young, healthy and vibrant the teacher says enjoy this time of your life and remember to be thankful to God for these blessings. To the rest of us who are sliding…
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