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A Note From Alex:

I have a confession to make.  I only invited one neighbor to our Christmas Eve Services this year.

I know that some of my neighbors attend other churches, and others are at a place where they aren’t ready for an invitation – but if I’m being honest with myself, in some relationships, I was just plain afraid.

But on December 23rd, I bravely walked over to the family next door with a plate of cookies to tell them about our church.  We talked about their lives. I shared about our church. They were friendly but noncommittal. I had little hope that they would come.

And then, a few days ago, on January 1st, a card appeared in our mailbox.  It was from our neighbors. It said,

“Thank you for the invitation to your church.   We were thinking about going to church for Christmas but didn’t know where to go.  We came and it was beautiful.”

I couldn’t believe it! They came. Can you imagine if I had invited more than one?


While Christmas may have passed, we have a new opportunity to invite your neighbors to encounter the gospel in 2020.  It’s called Alpha.

Alpha is an 8-week film series and small group gathering that is specially designed for those exploring faith.  Whether your neighbors are new to the gospel or just wondering what they believe – Alpha is for them. Every opinion is respected.  Any question is allowed.

Could you be brave this January?

Could you invite a neighbor to Alpha?

Alpha starts on January 30th at 7:00 pm.   Come yourself, bring your neighbor, and see what God will do.

If you have any questions, contact me at or come see me in the lobby this weekend.

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